
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Not forgotten

I wish you all could hear me laughing right now!!!! It has been almost 2 months since my last post!!!! I have not "forgotten" about the blog but finally realized that I needed to just give it up for a bit. I had been wavering back and forth with making wise choices and then making choices tat were opposite of wise ;) I had been getting myself excited and worked up about successes and my "plans" to make myself succeed. Then I would get frustrated and overwhelmed when those plans did not come out as I intended.

In some aspects I felt like I was letting you down. I know ultimately this whole blog is not about being perfect. In fact, it is quite the is about being REAL!!!! No one is perfect, no not one....that is in the Bible if you are interested ;) So although I would have loved to have shown everyone how self-controlled and disciplined I could be during pregnancy, I have to step back and realize that my trials are helpful too!

At this point I have put on 37lbs. I am nearing the 32 week mark. My belly is measuring 2 weeks ahead, which helps me to feel better about the weight gain because if my belly is huge then it would make sense that I weigh more ;) I never did get into that prenatal yoga. The one time I tried it, it totally kicked my pregnant butt and I was like "Never mind!!!" He he he ;)

I am VERY much looking forward to poppin this little monkey out and getting back in shape :) I am getting super excited to get back on the WW wagon and start running again :) YAY :) I already have some goal to focus on for the fall. There is a 5k on Sept. 24th called Miles of Hope for Moms Who Mourn. I did this race last year (They had a 5 mile option that I did) and I finished 3rd out of 50 women!!! Granted, it was a run/walk.....but still I was very proud of myself. This year if I have to walk some of it that is totally fine. I just want to DO IT, period!! The next thing I am thinking about is Homecoming weekend at my college back in MI :) (Alma College, in case you are wondering) Homecoming is usually the 1st or 2nd weekend in October.So I, if I pop this kid out at the end of July I can totally rock homecoming without looking like I just had baby #4, right? RIGHT!!!! YAY :)

Alright friends, I am off to start a fun filled day with my family!! Big guy is about to graduate from Kindergarten next week and he just lost his first tooth on Tues ;) Lots of excitement around here ;) I am not going to say when I will be back, I will just say that I WILL be back ;) So.....I'll be back ;)
