
Sunday, April 10, 2011


Hey strangers :) How the heck are ya? I am feeling great today after a wonderful marriage retreat this weekend :) YAY :) I surprised the hubby with getting us pedicures and a couple's massage :) He had never had a massage before and he loved it :) YAY :)

Food wise the weekend was a bust. It turned out that one meal would be pretty smart and the next would be the opposite! BUT I am really excited because this week I plan on implementing some movement into my daily routine!!! YAY :) One of my friends is letting me borrow a prenatal yoga dvd :) I think I have mentioned before that Jazzercise just has not been working out lately. I have only been able to hit that like once a week (better than nothing!). So, I am very anxious to start getting some exercise time each day (every day is ideal but I will settle for three times a week if I have to!!) With the weather warming up I am hoping to get outside and walk more too!!!! YAY :) It is almost 80 out today :) I am about to hit walmart for some flip flops!!!!

Now I need to meal plan for the week!!! Gotta get my head in the game!!!

If you have a few spare minutes, leave a comment and let me know how you are doing!!! Also, how are you planning on keeping motivated as we enter the spring/summer season?

I cannot wait till Summer is born and I can get out and start running again!!!! Yes, the baby's name is going to be Summer ;) Summer Jean as a matter of fact ;) I know....kind of dorky cause she is gonna be born in the summer and all but we like it :)

Talk to you all soon!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I will post an update soon.
Take a moment today and remember that you are beautiful, RIGHT NOW!!!! Yes, we may have more steps to take to reach certain goals but let us not forget that there is One who created us and He made us beautiful according to HIS definition of beauty, not the world's!!!! Read this article I found today. ENJOY!