Alright, so we are beginning another chapter in our lives. Food has been on the table (so to speak) for almost two years now. However, taking drastic measures to make sure our finances are in order as been on the back burner (I am full of them today!). That is until now!!!!!!
Husband and I have decided to go to a cash only system. Now, all you thieves out there, do not come and break into my house expecting to find some mad cash ;) We do not have "lots" of money by any means. What we are attempting to do is to cut out spending that is not needed. So we are looking at each pay period and trying to figure out what things we NEED. Then we divide the cash up into labeled envelopes. We make sure to have all our NEEDS counted out before we even thinking about having an envelope for things like going out for coffee, etc. Here is where the fear and excitement come in ;)
I am totally geeked to finally say "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!" and REALLY try to get out of debt and be good stewards of the financial blessings God has given to us!!!! I am also scared because it is just so foreign to us. I think of things we will have to sacrifice. There will be things that have to be given up here and there. When I stop and really think about it though, it is not like I "deserve" any of the extras that I blow my money on, ya know? Those things are a privilege, not a right.
How does this relate to me being healthy? WELL......If we do not have have the cash then I cannot buy the crap!!!!!!!!! He he he ;) Using that little plastic thing we call a debit card has really enabled me in my journey to health. I swing through McDs whenever I have "a craving" or whatever. Now, like I said....not having cash set aside for that will make me think twice!!!!
I had a little bit of "my cash" left in my wallet so I intentionally blew it yesterday and today on fast food items. I felt as if it were my last rebellious act or something ;) Now, if fast food is going to happen, it has to be planned for in advance. There's an idea ;) He he he ;)
Prayers in this area of our lives would be much appreciated!!!! I hope that each of you are doing well and making wise choices in all areas of your life....not JUST food ;) Until the next post .......
Just wanted to let you know that I joined WW today. I joined online and plan on attending my first meeting either tomorrow, Friday or Saturday. You helped inspire me to get my booty into WW. You keep going yourself! You are doing amazingly!