No posts since about Friday.....yeah....this pregnant girl is not doing so well. With eating, you ask? Well, yes and no. I have been going back and forth with that. I have everything written down from Friday till now. Just have not plugged it in on here.
Really my deal right now is I am just plain miserable :( I have been sick for over a week. I thought last Thursday was the worst but as it turns out it was only the worst in one category. I am pretty sure I have a sinus infection and last Thursday I just threw myself back in bed when the hubs got home in the morning. My head was so stuffy and I was just not able to function. The next day I had work so I knew I needed to rest. Felt ok enough to go to work and had a pretty good weekend over all.
Here we are on Tuesday evening and I feel like I have been knocked in the head with a giant sledge hammer. Like I said, I am just miserable. Now it is not so much the sinus aspect that is making me feel so poorly. At this point, it is the lovely chest cough that is setting in :( I just took some cough medicine and I am about to get to bed. I am praying I will not be up all night hacking. It hurts to cough.
Going to the Dr. to get some antibiotics and probably an inhaler will be the next thing on my to-do list. That and of course.......REST!!!! So, my dear blogger family, please be patient with me as I may be out of commission for the rest of this week. I may just start blogging and logging the food again this coming Friday. I would like to do it every day but I have to give myself some slack here. I want this blog to continue to be fun for everyone, including me. So, if I force myself to keep up with it even when I feel like this then I think it may lose that "fun" side, ya know?
So.....until I am more "me".....night night !!!!!!
Feel better soon!