
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sick.....not fun....

Being sick is one of my least favorite things in the world. Ok, seriously, what kind of crazy person would say that they LOVE being sick? He he he ;) I could feel it coming on for a couple of days now. My throat was sore on Tues. and Wed. This morning BAM!!!! I was hit full force with the sinus yuck that haunts my life! I usually have sinus issues from Sept. until May. I have had all kind of tests done to figure out what my problem is. Turns out I have an immune deficiency thing that I was born with and there is nothing they can do to treat it. Bummer!

This morning I felt so icky that my hubby stayed up after working all night last night so that I could rest. I was in bed from 8am-11:30am. Got up, had lunch, laid the little guy down, put blue's clues on for sissy and then I laid on the couch for most of the afternoon. I even had someone bring the big kid home from school.

Of course, now, here it is going on 11pm and I am still awake when I should be back in bed sleeping. I am scheduled to work tomorrow so I KNOW I need to go get my rest. I just wanted to make sure to post my food intake for the day ;) Until I hear back from my boss, I will not be posting any points values. After reading some of my top secret employee info. I am not sure if it is "allowed'. So, dear readers, I will continue to log what I eat, I just may not be able to share the pts values with you. I will keep you posted ;)

Breakfast- 1 cup strawberries (remember I went right back to bed, otherwise I would have had more than just a cup of fruit!!!!)

Lunch- sandwich- 1oz ham, 1 slice american cheese, lettuce, mustard, 2 pieces of healthy life bread, 1 cup Mrs. Grass chicken noodle soup (YUM!), 1 cup O.J.

Snack- 1 egg and half a piece of toast with jelly

Dinner- Smart Ones Ravioli Florentine- SO GOOD!!!!, salad with red wine vinaigrette dressing, vernors ginger ale

Treat- Skinny pumpkin spice latte from starbucks (a.k.a. the devil as my hubby would say ;) He will drink starbucks but his heart is with those little mom and pop local coffee shops!!! I like them both!!!)

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