
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1,000 HITS!!! YAY :)

WOW!! I feel special :) Pregnant, NOT Fat has reached 1,000 hits!!! Now, I realize that in the blogging world this may not seem like a big deal but it is a huge deal to me!!!! I am SO glad that people are reading this!! My life may not be super exciting and I may not have crazy awesome health tips, but my goal is to be real with all of you and for some like me, you really like me!!! In celebration of this momentous occasion I would like to give something away!

Whoever is the first person to leave a comment on this post will receive a copy of the book Made to Crave by Lisa TerKurst. I have yet to read this book myself, but I am planning on picking up a copy this week!!! What is it about? Well I think the subtitle says it all "Satisfying your deepest desire with God, not food". For those of us who totally idolize food, doesn't that just get ya right in the heart? UGH!!!! I am eager to hear what she has to say on this topic!!!! You can read more about it if you google the title.

My training for Weight Watchers is coming up next week and I am getting REALLY excited....AND nervous. For some reason I continue to doubt that I could help anyone in this weight loss journey. I look at all the times I "fail" or "slip up" and get discouraged. Then I remember that all those little bumps in the road prove that I am like everyone else which makes me MORE likely to be able to help people because I HAVE BEEN THERE TOO!!!! Also, they will be providing training, so it is not like they just dump me in there and watch what happens ;)

How are all of you doing lately? Do you find the winter months getting you down and making it hard for you to stay on track with your healthy goals? Being busy can also put a kink in your "planning" mode. So, I would like each of you to take a moment. Stop reading the blog (for just a second). Make one goal for yourself that goes from right this minute until Friday when you go to bed.

This may be food related (i.e. getting in more veggies) or this can be a goal to get moving (i.e. even though the weather is bad, I WILL do something active two times between now and Friday). This goal may even be related to planning. Maybe you need to set the goal that on Friday night, you are going to sit down with some good cook books and plan dinners for next week. Of course, make sure you look at your schedule and consider what kind of meals you can handle each evening. You do not need to "make" something EVERY night. It could simply be planning that on one of your crazy nights, your family will have frozen pizza. This will help you plan out the rest of that day so that the pizza does not crush all of your healthy efforts ;)

This blog is about me, yes, but even MORE is about YOU, too!!!! This is meant to give you the chance to see how one woman (mother of three with one on the way) tries to maintain a healthy lifestyle so then you will be encouraged to look at YOUR life and figure out what will work best to keep you moving toward the goal of living healthy as well!!!! You CAN do it!!!!

Let's talk about Monday, shall we? The week started off better than the weekend went. That is a good thing. However, I am finding that heading into this week after such a hard weekend is very difficult. Husband got some doughnuts yesterday. They sounded so good. So, I told him I would like either a custard filled doughnut or one with sprinkles on top. He is such a doll, he brought one with custard AND sprinkles ;) He he he ;) I also finished off some of the Chuck E. Cheese pizza from Sunday. Still got in some fruits and veggies. At the end of the night I was STARVING!!! I got in some extra fiber and dairy by having a bean burrito with cheese on top :) YUM!!! I was over in my points by 11. And so....the journey continues!!! I am currently eating some carrots ;) He he he ;) I will post again later about how today went when all is said and done ;)

Mondays Munchies-

Breakfast- 1cup strawberries- 0pts +, 1piece of toast with 1tbs PB- 4pts +

Treat- Custard filled doughnut (with sprinkles)- 11pts +, 1/2 glaze doughnut- 3pts +

Lunch- 1 1/2 pieces of Chuck E. Cheese pizza- 8pts +, strawberries and a nectarine- 0pts +

Snack- apple- 0pts +, yogurt- 4pts +

Dinner- 1 1/2 cups split pea soup- 6pts +, salad- 0pts +

Treat- Hot chocolate at local coffee shop- 5pts +

Night time snack (or second dinner!!!)- hot beef and bean burrito w/one slice American cheese on top- 9pts +

If anyone has some suggestions on how to get more veggies in please let me know!


  1. No one has commented yet!! I already own the book so you can send it to the second person to comment ;) but it's SO worth the read. I've gotten halfway through, journaling all the way, and will definately read it cover-to-cover a couple times to soak up all the wisdom!


  2. Ah Shucks! I wanted to be the first one! Dang! Oh Well! :)

  3. This is super easy, and you may have already thought of it. But I buy a stalk of celery and as soon as I get home I wash it and cut it up into 3 inch pieces and put about 4 of those pieces in the ziploc snack bags with a little bit of water to keep them moist. A stalk usually gives me about 5-6 snack bags. I think them because I can just reach into the fridge and grab one to either eat on the go or eat at home.

  4. Nicole, you ARE the first...technically, cause Maggie already has the book!!! I will message you on FB and get your address :)

  5. Someone recommended that I check out your blog. You do a great job. I am a WW leader who lost 70 pounds with WW. I have maintained that weight loss for over 3 years and am now pregnant with my 5th child. I can relate to all of your struggles and look forward to going through them with you.

    Although I am not allowed to actively participate as a WW member during pregnancy I am following my doctor's approved version of the PointsPlus. I know it is helping me to stay on track even though I tell myself that it's okay to have that because I am pregnant and everyone expects me to gain weight anyway. I struggle every day. I am pleased to say that I have been able to keep my weight gain under 1 pound per week so far. My goal is to keep my weight gain under 40 pounds. That would be a tremendous accomplishment for me as I gained MUCH more than that with all of my 4 children.

    Keep blogging. We can support each other.

  6. I am curious, Cobera, how many point plus you shoot for each day. I was at 29 before I got pregnant. Then When I found out I was expecting I added just under what a nursing mom would use for points. So I was going for about 39 a day plus the extra 49 weekly. I realized today that that number is probably still more like a loosing number. So, I am not sure what my target should be. Any suggestions?

  7. Have you read Candace Cameron's book (DJ from Full House)? She was on the Today show talking about it, and I know she's a Christian.

  8. I was at 29 for losing on PointsPlus before getting pregnant. After talking to my doctor she said I could just keep doing what I was doing. She said that I didn't need extra calories until the last trimester of my pregnancy. Now.......I want to be clear.....this is what MY doctor told ME. Everyone needs to consult their own doctor about their plan. I am a perfectly healthy woman. I have had 2 miscarriages but they were just normal miscarriages. I have had 4 healthy pregnancies and healthy children. Other pregnant women may be different than me. I highly recommend that every pregnant woman looking to have a healthy pregnancy without gaining too much weight consult their doctor and get their doctor's opinion for their individual pregnancy.

    That said, I give myself 29PPV's per day plus 6PPV's per day for maintenance because I don't want to try to lose weight for pregnancy and then ALL 49 WPPA's each week too. This is what I aim for. If I earn Activity PointsPlus Values, I eat those too. I am way too hungry if I don't eat my Activity PointsPlus Values and I want to be sure my baby has all it needs to grow.

    My doctor is happy with my weight gain so far. If she feels that I need to add more later on in my pregnancy, she will and I will gladly obey. With all that said, I give in to my pregnancy cravings too. I go over my Daily Points Target too many days as far as I am concerned but I am learning to forgive myself and move on. I don't want to expect perfection out of myself but I also notice that the days that I stay on track I feel so wonderful. I like feeling like a healthy, pregnant woman instead of just a pregnant woman.

    I hope this helps Bridgette.
