Here is a tough question for you......who is your valentine? For those of us who are married or are in a relationship, that wonderful man may be the immediate answer. However, I would like all of us to take a minute and think really hard about what we are putting first in our lives. What are we "loving" the most?
I think it would be a pretty accurate guess that we all too often make food our "love". We put it above lots of other things in our lives, hoping that it will satisfy something that is missing. We might eat when we are stressed, bored, angry, sad or when we are actually hungry. I am here to testify that food is a VERY bad valentine!!!! When I have run to it seeking comfort, all it has given me is more pounds on the scale!!!! Or if I have lovingly approached it during times of celebration.....I was left deflated!!
I think you all know me well enough by now to know that I am NOT saying that you should not ever do a special meal that is less friendly on the points side ;) What I AM saying is beware of making food your first love. When we do this we end up disappointed every time. It is a temporary fill that then leaves us fat.
Interestingly enough, when I think about what my first love should really be, it is not even my husband in the #1 slot. For me, as a Christian woman, God wants my love to go first to Him. He fills me up more than and food or any man could ever fill me up!!! He then helps me to be able to love those in my life in a much more free and selfless way. When I am putting my husband before God and look to him to fill all my needs, guess what? Like food....I am left wanting. Not that my husband is not SUPER TOTALLY AWESOME!!!! He is that for sure!! It is just that he is human, which means he is not perfect. What I would like to focus on today is loving God more than myself, my husband, my kids or my food!
Switching gears here......
As I am sure you have noticed, I have not posted since last Thursday. I did so good at at least writing everything down from the day I left for NY until last Thurs. Then, this past weekend, I just did not do it. I would say I was teetering on a fine line this weekend. I ate some really wise food choices and then I ate some things that were not so wise. My life has just been spinning like crazy and I kind of lost it for a bit.
Between getting back from NY, training for WW three days last week, my oldest child being sick, going to Chicago not once but twice this weekend......I have been skating on thin ice!!!! Yesterday I actually had a breakdown at church. We were running a little late so I felt very rushed and out of sorts. I had a HUGE headache and really just wanted to be at home. I could tell I was gonna lose it. I tried to fight it but, you know as well as I do that pregnant ladies (heck, women in general) just need to cry sometimes!! I felt better once I got it out but DANG it is so not fun!!!!
This morning I had an OB appointment and I knew they were going to listen for the heartbeat as well. I think I was anxious about that yesterday which also added to the reasons for the meltdown. The appointment went great :) Strong heartbeat in the 140s. I will be 16 weeks tomorrow. I have put on 13lbs so far. Not sure how to think rightly about that. Basically I know that I need to just keep on blogging my food and try to make the best choices that I can and not beat myself up too much!!!!
My requests today are simple....examine your life and tell food that it is a lousy valentine and you are breaking off your long term relationship. Yes, you will still see each other but food no longer holds the #1 love in your life!!!! My second request is KEEP READING THE BLOG ;) I know that my intentions to put up a food log every day is a good one, but I think that stumbling a bit is also ok because it reminds you (and me) that I am not perfect. Not even close ;) I can, however, move forward and grow each day in this challenge to stay healthy!!! Let's continue on this journey together!!!! Shoot me an e-mail and let me know how this blog has been encouraging to you!!!!
I love the way you describe our relationship with food...I may steal it for my blog if you don't mind...I will definitely give you credit for it. You have such an amazing way of putting things into words! Keep going strong, Lady, and you will have an happy and HEALTHY pregnancy!