
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Blubbering breakdown

Pregnant lady + husband who gets invited to go watch a football game = drama.
I was "that" pregnant wife today. While we were at church someone invited Jay to go watch the football game this afternoon. Now, if you live in the Kenosha area you can understand what a big deal this was! Packers vs. Bears for the playoffs for the first time in like, forever. Being so close to IL, yet living in WI.'s a big deal. My hubby is not a huge sports fan but he was all geeked to go watch the game. As soon as church was done I ran to the grocery store to get food for the week. While I was there I kept trying to prepare myself for hubby leaving as soon as I walked in the door.
This man does SO much for me! I cannot even begin to tell you the countless times he has said ok to me going out for coffee with the girls or hung out at home while I ran off to a MOPS leadership meeting or a Weight Watchers meeting. I KNOW that he needs time with his friends too. He has actually been doing that quite a bit more lately which I think is GREAT!!! Today, however, it was just kind of sprung on me. I was just not prepared. I did not want to make it all about me but I knew by the time I got done at the store I would be WAY tired. I was right !!!
On my way out of the store, husband calls to double check and make sure it is cool that he goes to watch the game. I try to tell him it is fine but I cannot bring myself to sound happy about it. Girls, you should have seen me at the end of the grocery trip. I looked like a zombie. I was literally spinning in circles in the produce section at one point because I could not find the nectarines. Yes, maybe if I continue to spin in circles they will magically appear ;) Sheesh.
I load everything up in the car and begin my drive to the house. I can tell that I am about to start crying. I was SO torn inside with wanting him to go and hang with his friends and on the other hand I REALLY wanted him to stay home. Then the tears started. Once they start, as I am sure so many of you know, they just do not stop!!!! I cried all the way home. I felt so bad. I did not want to be "that" wife who does not "let" her husband go hang with the guys, ya know?
As I parked in front of the house I tried to calm myself down but I continued to wail. It was quite the ridiculous site!!!! I get to the door and the two big kids open it and see me crying. Immediately, they are asking a million questions about why I am crying. The oldest assumed that I was scared that something was wrong with the baby in my belly (he is such a sensitive little guy). I tried to assure him that was not what was going on. Then husband comes over and asks what is wrong. I could not even talk. Then he says "Oh Scott is here." as we see a van pull up out front. Quickly followed by "I did not tell him to come get me yet." He sends me off to calm down.
While I am trying to compose myself, husband and his friend bring all the groceries in and put them away. Then Jay comes down to talk to me. Guess what I ended up doing? Yup you guessed it.....I cried some more. Basically, I just told him that I felt like a super huge brat if I said no but at the same time I really needed him to be there. Plus, I was planning on making Ziti for dinner. Which was apparently really important to me because when he suggested I wait and make it tomorrow I freaked out and started wailing "BUT ZITI IS ON THE MENU, I WANT TO MAKE THE ZITI!!!" Since I had been crying like a fool for so long, I made myself even more tired. I really needed to lay down for like an hour.
Being the great husband that he is, he stayed home. I rested for a little while and then got up and made dinner. Yes, the Ziti. The night ended on a pretty good note. It was a hard day. I knew he was bummed that he did not go watch the game and I felt really bad :( There are some things in life that just do not make of them being me, while I am pregnant. I honestly think that had his friend invited him yesterday that it would have given me enough time to adjust and prepare for it. The whole last minute thing just totally threw me for a loop. Like I mentioned, he is totally cool with me running off to here and there and everywhere but it is always planned at least two days in advance. I just think it is very helpful for a family to have things kind of planned out. I understand that you cannot plan everything but when I am pregnant, I think it might be a good idea ;)
Speaking of planning, I did not plan ahead very well for this afternoon. I knew I was going to get groceries right after church but failed to line up something in my mind that would be a wise choice for lunch. I stopped at KFC on my way to the store. Yeah....a SMALL popcorn chicken 11pts plus!!! Ugh!!! I honestly did not eat very much today. I did not get hardly any fruits or veggies in. One positive thing is that I do not think I went crazy with any of my portions. Tomorrow I will shoot to get those good health guidelines in!!!! Here is what I did eat:

Breakfast: Maple & Brown Sugar Oatmeal- 4pts plus

Lunch- KFC- small popcorn chicken- 11pts plus, small potato wedges- 8pts plus

Dinner- Ziti- 9pts plus, 1 cup skim milk- 2pts plus, 1 piece of bread- 1pts plus

Snack- half a doughnut- 5pts plus (that is just ridiculous!!), blueberry yogurt- 4pts plus

Still added up to a 44pt day! Ugh!! Yes....fruits and veggies, I am coming after you tomorrow!!!!!


  1. Alright lady, on your weight maintainence, no more playing around. I love ya but you and I are struggling and its time. Food for is a battle of the mind. Who are we going to give control to today?

  2. Way to go girl! I'm so proud of you Bridgette. Beautiful little bean – so happy for you. You look amazing and sound wonderful. I'll be praying for the little sprout and you. Keep up the blogging and keep up the great work.
    Kim Bensen :)
