
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Here goes nothin!!!!!!

I should start with my story....
My name is Bridgette and I am a 29 year old stay at home mom. I have three AWESOME kiddos. Brendan is 5, Lainey 2, Zach is 1 AND we have one on the way due August 2011 :) We have had three miscarriages as well. So, I have been pregnant 7 times total. Each time that I have gotten pregnant I have been on the larger side of the scale.
Back in June of 2009 I decided to take my life back!!!!!!! I joined Weight Watchers and began changing my relationship with food and how I live my everyday life!!! As of December of 2010 I had lost 82lbs!!!!!! Started at 227lbs and got down to 145lbs. I went from a size 20 down to a size 8!!!!!!!! I had not seen that size or that weight since my senior year of college.
In December 2010, I got the surprise I had been waiting for....we found out we were (and still are) pregnant!!!!!!!!! YAY :) Jumping up and down :) Now, if you are someone who has done Weight Watchers and then gotten pregnant, you know that pregnant women are not allowed to be members of WW. When I say that a lot of times people get flustered and say how silly that is. Think about it though....there are some pregnant ladies who would still continue to try to lose weight or maintain their weight while pregnant.....NOT a good idea!!! I do not blame WW one bit for not wanting to have to answer for what kind of affect that may have on those ladies and their babies.
With that said....I am disappointed to say that once you get pregnant, that's it. You are kind of on your own. Here is where my blogging comes in ;) My goal for this pregnancy is to remain healthy!!! I want to be a pregnant mom who can say "I am pregnant, not fat." and actually have that be true. Because in my past pregnancies I was pregnant AND fat. I want to be a pregnant woman who still chooses to eat fruits and veggies and not throw everything I have learned this past year and a half out the window completely. Please do not get me wrong here. I WILL eat cookies and fast food. However I do NOT want that to be an every day thing, make sense?
We are currently 10 weeks along in the pregnancy. So far, I have already put on between 8-10lbs. This scares me a bit. The first two weeks I was stress eating because I was so worried about miscarrying. Then the past month or so I have been SO queasy that food has not been my friend. If there was something that sounded a little appealing...I would go for it. This meant that Mr. Big Mac won (or one of his friends did) more often than I care to admit. Not to mention that I am on some restrictions so I am not allowed to work out....which does NOT help!!!! He he he ;) The past week or so I have started to feel better but, I am still making poor choices in what I put into this pregnant body. So now, I am ready to take charge and move ahead!!!!!! I would like to share my journey with you in hopes that I can encourage other women to be healthy while pregnant !!!!!
As I start this blog I do not have a completely clear picture of what the content will be. The basic vision is that I will share my pregnancy journey with all of you. This may be day by day or more like week by week. Hard to say at this point. It will pretty much be like a journal with what kind of things I have been eating, how I am feeling about everything and how the baby is doing as well :) I am sure I will also post belly pics and ultrasound pics along the way ;)
Come walk with me :)


  1. I am very excited to follow your journey because I hope to (one day) be in the same boat as you! Loves ya!!

  2. I just want to congratulate you on your blog - I saw your post on Midday Connection and checked out your blog. I'm a personal trainer and Group Exercise Instructor for 16+ years now. Although I have no kids, nor am I pregnant, I do have extensive training in pre-natal and post-natal training. I'm also someone who has struggled w/ food addictions for years and years. I think your blog is great! What an inspiration you are to soon-to-be-mommies everywhere! Exercise is actually VERY beneficial for baby - and momma. In fact, it's more dangerous NOT to exericse (granted, this is for normal pregnancies). So keep up the good work. Just wanted to encourage you on your journey and your blog. Oh, and I know all to well how hard it is to be on rest (although not from pregnancy, I've had injuries that have sidelined me many times). This too shall pass!
